Need Prayer?
We believe that prayer is the way that we fellowship with God and also how He ministers to us.
We want to model, teach, equip, and bring comfort to our church body in prayer and through prayer. We believe what James 5:16 teaches: that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective and that when we confess and pray for one another healing can begin. Jesus modeled for us the importance of prayer in times alone with the Father and also taught His disciples how to pray for those in need. We desire to live in this way as Jesus taught us.
Here at Redlands, we have a small army of Prayer Warriors who would be honored to pray to the Lord on your behalf. Our Prayer Warriors counts it a privilege to support one another, in prayer, lifting the various prayer requests up to our Sovereign God. As we pray for specific matters, we also understand and desire that God's perfect plan will be fulfilled.