Children Ministries
We have a number of children's ministries for your children to participate in throughout the year including Children's Church, Sunday School, AWANA, and the Nursery.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School classes meet in the Chapel Building each Sunday morning from 9:30-10:15 AM. Our goal is to introduce children to the person and work of God culminating in salvation through Jesus resulting in a relationship with God.
The POOL (Children's Church)
Children's Church meets during our 10:30 AM Worship Service. Children's Church is for children age 4 through 5th grade. The purpose of Children’s Church is to introduce and model worship on a level the children can understand and participate in.
Our nursery is available for our 9:30 AM Sunday School time, and our 10:30 AM worship service. The nursery is for infants up to age two. At about two years of age, the children move up to our Tots Class which is located next door to the Nursery in the Fireside Room. Our Tots Class is for ages 2 and 3 and meets during Sunday School and during the 10:30 AM worship service.
Our AWANA Clubs program is for children ages 3 through 5th grade and meets during the year from September through May. We meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:00 PM. AWANA is an opportunity to learn more about God and His Son, Jesus through Bible lessons, handbooks the children work through, and games.