Adult Ministries
Sunday School
Our Sunday School meets from 9:30-10:15 AM every Sunday morning. We have classes for all ages, from adults all the way down to two years of age as well as a nursery for two and under. The focus of our Sunday School program is about learning how to live lives that are pleasing to God. We use a variety of methods - studying Books of the Bible, Topical Studies, & videos of guest speakers - which help all who attend to learn more about God and what He has done for us and wants from us. Our Sunday School classes meet in the Multi-Purpose Building, the Chapel Building, and the Learning Center.
Home Bible Studies
This ministry is a very important part of RCC because it allows us to study the Word of God and get to know Him better. It also allows us to meet with a smaller group of people in a smaller setting and helps us to feel a part of the church body of RCC. The studies generally meet from the Fall through the Spring although there are some who choose to meet all year. We offer studies for men, women, couples, and singles. They meet on various days of the week and offer a variety of topics.
MomCo is a ministry to mothers of preschool-age children and younger. This ministry gives moms the chance to interact with other moms who are sharing in the same struggles and delights that they are while at the same time, their children are playing and meeting children their own age. Our meetups are on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from September through the first Thursday in May, 9:15-11:30 AM.
Check out our Facebook page:
MomCo on the Redlands
MomCo International Membership:
Be sure to use Group Code: GN52